Thursday, October 12, 2006

Think snow

Wednesday afternoon was a warm one in South Georgia. The high temperature reached up and smacked 84. Folks walked around in short sleeves and wiped perspiration from their foreheads, wondering if all those reports of there being only 75 more shopping days until Christmas could really be true.

After all, the gnats were still out in force. There were not as many of them hanging around as there were back in July. But they still haven’t checked out for the fall, and it’s almost mid-October.

As I reached to turn up the air conditioner in my car, I looked out the window.

I saw snow. It was everywhere.

Up north, in parts of Wisconsin and Minnesota, a cold front brought the first snowfall of the season on Wednesday.

The cotton patches along Highway 41 made it appear we already had some accumulation, too.

A beautiful blizzard.

Some folks love autumn because of the rainbow of colors. Reds. Yellows. The changing of the leaves can be so spectacular it takes your breath away.

But, out in the country, there’s something to be said for those snowy fields of cotton.


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