Monday, October 09, 2006

Yep, I'm gellin'

Ever meet people who tell you everything that ails them? It gets a little annoying, doesn’t it?

As a blogger, I promise not to sort through every little ache and pain. Nobody wants to read about bunions and lip fungus. Not to imply that I have either one of those. Yet.

But I do want to mention the terrible time I was having with my right leg last week. I had some swelling and alternated between pain and numbness.

There were times Wednesday and Thursday when I could barely walk. I called my father, a retired doctor, and asked if I could come by Friday morning and have him check it out.

I was convinced I had a blood clot. It was going to travel right up my leg and hit me in the heart. But I’ve heard my dad give me the old Mark Twain advice many times: “Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.’’

Most of the pain shooting straight up my leg was originating from the bottom of my foot, and he asked what kind of arch support I had in my shoes. The answer was none. I’ve always had “flat feet.’’ Maybe it finally caught up with me.

He said I needed some shoes with built-in arch support, and even suggested a brand, E.T. Wright, he has been wearing for years.

In the meantime, I made a date with Dr. Scholl’s. I went to the drug store, and I was absolutely amazed at the number of foot-care products there are on the market. It took up half the aisle.

And the majority of them were for arch-related problems. My guess is a few of you can relate to all this.

I bought some of these “gel” supports so, if you ask me if I’m gellin’ like the commercial suggests, I most certainly am.

In the few days that I’ve worn them, they have seemed to really help. The foot is starting to feel better, and the leg has followed suit. They have gotten to the ''root" of the problem.

Maybe I’ll be dancing again real soon.


Blogger Ed Grisamore said...

Hey, maybe that explains it.

5:34 AM  

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