Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The time it is a changing

Daylight Savings Time begins on Saturday, and we were trying to explain the concept to our youngest son at supper Monday night.
Spring forward.
Fall back.
You’ll lose an hour of sleep this weekend, but you’ll get it back after the summer. More specifically, you can sleep late on Nov. 4.
I also tried to explain how simply moving the hands of the clock ahead will make things better.
It will give you more daylight at the end of the day. You’re trading an hour of light in the morning for an hour of light in the evening. It’s a good deal. It allows you to maximize the daylight hours.
It is especially nice in the summer as the days get longer.
We’re getting the extra daylight earlier this year. In the past, the time has traditionally changed on the first Sunday in April. But in 2005, President Bush pushed for the extension of Daylight Savings Time by two months to conserve energy costs.
Of course, they are saying the change could affect your computer settings – kind of a mini-Y2K bug – so be on the watch for that.
Did I just say "watch?" Gee, I'm so clever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it when you're clever!

12:05 PM  

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