Sunday, July 16, 2006

Ringing in the votes

The phone rang Saturday afternoon while I was testing the sleep rays on my La-Z-Boy. I was hoping somebody else was going to answer it, then I remembered I was the only one at home.

I should have let the answering machine pick up. Instead, I leaped out of the chair and stumbled through an obstacle course of dogs and furniture to reach for the phone.

“Hi, this is Mary. I’m a friend of Cathy Cox. …’’

I hung up.

Now, I could have blessed Mary out for pulling the whiskers on my catnap but it wouldn’t have done any good.

It wasn’t really Mary.

It was a recording, just like the one I had gotten from Ralph Reed Friday night.

I might have listened if it had really been Mary. Every Mary I know is kind and sweet. I have an aunt named Mary. I have a niece named Mary.

But this Mary was just a puppet on a string. How impersonal. It’s like getting a form letter.

I am not voting for Cathy Cox in the Democratic primary for governor. (Sorry, Mary.) For that matter, I’m not voting for Mark Taylor, either. I’m not voting for Ralph Reed for lieutenant governor.

It’s rather annoying when you arm yourself by placing your household on the national “Do Not Call” list and these political candidates still find a loophole to get through to you.

Forget the Voter I.D. law. What about a Caller I.D.?

I hereby pass an ordinance at the Grisamore residence. If you call me at home, you’ve automatically lost my vote.

I'm on the "Do Not Bother" list.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a phone call on Sunday also. Not a voter call, just a regular sales call. And I too am on the no -call list. Alot of good that did. I hate to be rude when a actual person calls, but on Sunday especially of all days? It's bad enough Mon - Fri. But on Sunday?! Sorry, but I was rude and said right off - Not interested. And hung up.

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have my guidelines for voting for candidates and dealing with prerecorded messages that call me by my first name. I too joined the list of no calls, and the no credit card solicitation mailing list. Neither have stopped. So, I don't know about anyone else but I get calls at regular time intervals during the day and evening. Some of them, if they are answered, I am unable to shut them off until the message is through. How innovative these "telephone spammers" are getting. I refuse to vote for any candidate that calls me, creates negative tv ads, stick flyers in my mailbox or door, stand in 97 degree weather waving posters(they can't have good common sense standing in the hot sun just to get a vote), sticks poster signs that block views causing safety hazards on roadways or a candidate that doesn't pay their taxes. I guess that just about eliminates all of the major players. It doesn't matter that they are liberal or conservative. I am a republican but I have eliminated the republicans too if they violate any of the above offenses. So candidates be aware, I have initiated my own standards and thats my story and I am sticking to it!
Now, in regards to the human callers, I have taken the opportunity to play "Stump the caller with Idiotic Questions" game. For instance, I stop them in mid sentence and ask them if they think I ought to have a face lift or go to Vegas. For the prerecorded dummies, I just stick the phone in my pocket and carry on with what I am doing for about five minutes and then hang up. I hope one day that all those lists I signed up for will kick in. In the meantime, I am sticking to my methods of action.

3:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! We've gotten calls from "friends", Zell Miller and my 8-year old son's favorite...John Smoltz! I too have joined these Do Not Call lists to no reprieve. We saw a local candidate while eating dinner out Friday night and my first thought was to go and ask in the middle of the meal time (in which time many of these ridiculous calls come in) if in fact they had to eat dinner out because they could not enjoy a peaceful meal at home due to the over bearing ring of the phone. Do these candidates get their own calls or are they blocked? I'm on way to vote after work, do I vote for the "callers" to keep the phone from ringing or do I vote for the not so bothersome ones that are campainging the old fashioned sign in your yark kind of way????

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this ought to be the 11th amendment to our Bill of Rights: The right not to be distracted by tacky posters dotting the scenery in our beautiful neighborhoods and cities by any political candidate seeking office. The scenery is so busy, I forgot to keep my eyes on the road. Darn near had an accident. Just how many posters can be put in a yard has definitely been tested. I counted fifteen in one sodded stage.

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too, do not vote for those who call and wake me up!!!!!!!

9:59 PM  

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