A letter can make a difference
Mark Twain once said the difference between the right word and the “almost-right” word is the difference between “lightning and a lightning bug.’’
I thought about this the other day when we were in midtown. As we drove pasty Crazy Jack’s Shoe Repair Shop, my son glanced over and noticed the “S” was missing.
Now, you and I both know that’s a shoe repair shop. I had my soles saved there for years when it was known as the Peach Cobbler.
But somehow the “S” had gone astray. I’m not sure if it just fell off or if some thieves struck in the night. Who knows? Maybe they needed to pluralize something and that was convenient.
It does make a difference, though, wouldn’t you say?
Makes me want to take up a collection to get Crazy Jack an “S.’’ Where is Vanna White when you need her?
Right now, I don’t need any hoes repaired. A shovel, maybe, but not a hoe.
Reminds me of a grocery store in Madison, GA where I grew up. The name was COLONIAL STORES lit up in neon. Once I rode by and some of the neon had gone out and the sign read (no lie): COLON S ORES
I'm flattered to be on the same "page" with you in our thinking, Steve. You're still the funniest man in MACONGA.
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