Saturday, August 12, 2006

Inside the beltway

I guess it’s possible to feel sorry for the guy who invented the belt, even though he’s probably been dead for centuries and it might have actually been some caveman who wrapped a vine around his waist to keep his loincloth in place.

To a growing number of our male population Mr. Belt might as well have never existed. Most of them don’t wear belts. And some of them that do, must not know how to use them.

At least a fraction of what is wrong with our world today is that too many young males are walking around with their belt loops drooped around their thighs.

This saggy, baggy look is not a pretty sight and, heaven knows, it can’t be too comfortable.

But they insist on this layered look of lowering their Levis and leaving little in the plaid and checkered world of boxer shorts to the imagination.

Something tells me this is more an act of defiance than a fashion statement. I don’t know who they’re angry with – maybe it’s just the establishment in general. But there have got to be better ways of expressing themselves than keeping their drawers barely above their kneecaps.

It’s sloppy. It’s offensive. It’s repulsive. I’m not trying to play the Puritan here. I just wish this trend would hurry up and go away.

Did you see the story about the Macon man who was arrested Monday morning after taking a woman hostage and engaging in a three-hour standoff with police?

The story was accompanied by rather disgusting photographs of the man being led away in handcuffs, the waist of his pants far south of the equator. To his credit, this guy was wearing a belt. But, it’s no wonder police caught the guy. He could never have run away with such a restrictive wardrobe.

Now, I know you can’t enforce a dress code. And law enforcement folks have more important things to do with their time than going around writing up citations for indecent exposure. (It comes very close to being that.)

But there ought to be some standards. Somewhere.

Sentence them to a lifetime of Sansabelts. That’ll make ‘em pull up their pants.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel the same way you do about this disguesting look. It literally almost makes me gag when I see these people dressed like this. I know the law doesn't have time to be writing tickets, arresting them, due to much more pressing issues. When is this trend going to pass?!! It's been here for awhile now. Have you really ever watched them TRY to walk without holding up their pants, much less run! What gets me too is why in the world that anyone would think this is an attractive look? There is nothing appealing about it, AT ALL. I just make a face, shake my head, and look the other way when I see this.

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet his fortune cookie read,"Avoid wearing blue briefs on the down low today, it will get you a stretch in the pokey." Surely, there must be some kind of city decency ordinance that prohibits this kind of exhibitionism and people with a backbone to enforce it. It is so vulgar and offensive. It is in the same category of with all of these young people getting tatoos . It's hard to look at them and see past the baggy pants and the tattoos. Are they glutton for being labeled as prison or carnival material? How can you tell them they are making such bad decisions that can impact them forever.

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am hoping that the "Steve Erkle" look catches on soon. Pants pulled up under thier ribs with suspenders, white crew socks and saddle oxfords.

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, someone says what so many believe.

1:57 PM  

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